5: Leaving the Familiar World
We have lost the past,the present is bleak, we are in a wasteland. T.S. Eliot
THE GRAIL QUEST - storytelling
Since the raping of the muses of the wells, since the striking of the fatal blow – the land has dried up and turned to waste –(the mysterious castle of the Rich Fisherman has vanished and paths to the Courts of Joy therein are lost beyond recall.
Now in Camelot, the wizard Merlin cries out that a King lays terribly wounded in that hidden domain and will never be cured until a knight, foremost amongst those seated at the round table has done mighty deeds of arms, of bounty and of nobility and only when he has asked, what one does and whom one serves with the Grail, will the King be cured and the enchantments fall which are at present in the land of Britain.
Well there were many who set forth on this quest, striking out into the forest, one here and one there and each vowed never to rest until the King was healed of his wounds and the wasteland restored to the full. But of the many brave knights who took up willingly this most high and holy challenge, three alone were destined to succeed.
To quest is to question and the quintessential question of the Grail Quest is this - What ails thee?
It is a pertinent question for all of us. For just a few weeks into our current global crisis we see clearly that our skies are clearer, that dolphins have come closer to our shorelines and in Italy, the Venetian canals have shoals of fish and the waters of the lagoon are blue once more.
It is incumbent upon us all it seems - to ask again this question of the Wounded Kings who rule us – Wounded Kings still upholding and still promoting an outmoded paradigm.
What ails thee? We might aptly ask,
What ails thee?
For only then, the story tells, will the enchantments fall which are at present our lands.
Quest for the Grail: Adapted by Anne Maria Clarke
What we call the beginning is often the end.
And to make an end is to make a beginning
The end is where we start from.
We shall not cease from exploratin,
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S.Eliot - The Wasteland
Anne Maria
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Coming Soon: Healing The Wounded King
More fairy-stories, myths, legends and books by Anne Maria Clarke Books - Transpersonal Psychology. Understanding the Soul - Expanding Consciousness