Events & Presentations
To book Anne Maria Clarke to speak at your event please write to: [email protected]
'What is it in us that at a certain moment
suddenly falls asleep?
Who lies hidden within us?
And who will come at last to awaken
us, what aspect of ourselves?
To give an answer, supposing we had
it, would break the law of the fairy
tale. And perhaps no answer is
necessary. It is enough that we ponder
upon and love the story and ask
ourselves the question.'
Join us for a weekend of deep pondering & contemplation
Everyone is Welcome
x x x
This weekend we can immerse ourselves in this lovely material, aware of the loss of the feminine. We shall be looking at some of the myths and legends that accompany our heroine: The Quest for the Holy Grail...Demeter & Persephone.....personal, yet how magical to re-visit them at a higher octave too, the collective and transpersonal. This weekend we shall weave in the experiential, finding ways to open doors to the 'Once-Upon-a-Time' of the individual in a way that reflects the imaginal approach of Rock Bank.
£130 (some concessions please enquire) Friday 6.00 for 6.30pm till 10.00 Saturday 9.30 for 10.00 am till 6.00 Sunday 9.30 for 10.00am till 2.00 Tea and coffee provided. Lunch ( pubs in village or bring your own) Overnight accomodaion available.
Subscribe to Anne Maria Clarke's YouTube channel More fairy-stories, myths, legends and books by Anne Maria Clarke /Transpersonal Books - Transpersonal Psychology. Understanding the Soul - Expanding Consciousness
£130 (some concessions please enquire) Friday 6.00 for 6.30pm till 10.00 Saturday 9.30 for 10.00 am till 6.00 Sunday 9.30 for 10.00am till 2.00 Tea and coffee provided. Lunch ( pubs in village or bring your own) Overnight accomodaion available.
Subscribe to Anne Maria Clarke's YouTube channel More fairy-stories, myths, legends and books by Anne Maria Clarke /Transpersonal Books - Transpersonal Psychology. Understanding the Soul - Expanding Consciousness

An afternoon with Anne Maria Clarke
10th February 2019
Rock Bank Transpersonal Center UK
Booking Information
Rock Bank Transpersonal Center UK
[email protected]
10th February 2019
Rock Bank Transpersonal Center UK
Booking Information
Rock Bank Transpersonal Center UK
[email protected]
path begins at our bleakest moment. If we are lucky we will hear the call and instead of collapsing we will set off in quest of the first chink of light and onward into the unknown, searching & gathering with each step we take.
It will not be easy. This is the quest of heros & heroines, the brave and courageous....the ones who have gone before and returned with their great stories so that we through contemplation, might be guided through our own dark night of soul.
In deepening our understanding our beloved tales might reveal themselves as the precious gifts they are - like Galadriel's Light given to Frodo as he sets forth from Lothlorien on his perilous quest.
"May it be a light for you in dark places, says she,
where all other lights have gone out."
J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings
Join us for an afternoon of exploration & contemplation.
14.00 - 18.00 pm
Everyone is Welcome
x x x
It will not be easy. This is the quest of heros & heroines, the brave and courageous....the ones who have gone before and returned with their great stories so that we through contemplation, might be guided through our own dark night of soul.
In deepening our understanding our beloved tales might reveal themselves as the precious gifts they are - like Galadriel's Light given to Frodo as he sets forth from Lothlorien on his perilous quest.
"May it be a light for you in dark places, says she,
where all other lights have gone out."
J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings
Join us for an afternoon of exploration & contemplation.
14.00 - 18.00 pm
Everyone is Welcome
x x x